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Heavy Duty Industrial Impulse Heat Sealers
Manufactured in the USA since 1932

Aline Medical Packaging Machinery
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Custom Rotary Sealer


ALINESYS.com manufactures a custom semi-automated rotary sealer. Each sealer is PLC-HMI operated and is ideal for medical applications where validation is required or for industrial use. Sealers can be designed for constant heat or thermal impulse applciations. The number of seal stations can be customized based on user requirements. Activation can be either with a foot pedal or dual palm buttons. Redundant safety features are incorporated into the design of each machines. A camco indexer ensures the highest degree of accuracy during the seal process.

Custom Rotary Sealer

Custom Rotary Sealer

Custom Rotary Sealer

Aline Heat Seal Corporation

vacuum sealer
| vacuum chambers | thermal impulse sealers | bag sealer | temperature controllers |contour thermal heat sealers |
explosion proof sealer
| open back sealer | Large Scissor Sealer | medical pouch sealer | hand held impulse sealer |
vacuum heat sealing equipment